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LCFT Local 504 ER&D Professional Development Courses

ER&D Courses for Winter/Spring 2025

Please click here for ER&D Course Registration Form

Checks and Registration Form must be in the Union Hall TWO WEEKS prior to the start of the class. Please do not jeopardize the class by registering too late. All classes are held at the Union Hall.

Thinking Math K-2  

Tuesdays & Thursdays April 1, 2025 – May 1, 2025.

Instructor: Denise Dunlop

In this course, you’ll learn about counting, numeration, place value, and number sense. Additional topics included are addition, subtraction, patterns and relationships in number, measurement, and geometry. Just like all Thinking Math courses, Thinking Math K-2 focuses on the situational context of word problems. The course stresses the understanding and recording of student thinking, balancing conceptual and procedure learning, and mathematical justification.  This course has no prerequisites. Thinking Math courses can be taken in any order and the content can be transferred to other grades and content areas.

English Language Arts with Common Core State Standards

Saturdays - April 5th, 12th, 19th & 26th.

Instructor(s): Maria Gentoleo, Kathie Waigand

The Common Core State Standards (CCSS) for ELA/Literacy were developed to provide clear and rigorous expectations, which progress across the grades, of what all students should know and be able to do to graduate with the literacy skills necessary to be college and career ready. Implementing the CCSS for ELA/Literacy will require major changes in teaching and learning: The text will be at the center of student learning, and students will be expected to delve deeply into complex texts and to demonstrate facility to reading, writing about and discussing that text. Teachers will need to understand well what the standards are, what instructional shifts are aligned to the standards, how to support students' progress toward mastery of the standards, and how to determine and use CCSS-aligned resources. Participants will: Learn about the development and implementation of the CCSS. Learn about the standards and the major instructional shifts inherent in instruction designed to help students meet the standards. Discuss CCSS-aligned resources that can help build knowledge and support implementation of the ELA standards.

Reading Comprehension Instruction

Saturdays - February 1st, 8th, 15th & 22nd.

Instructor: Melinda Garcia

This course focuses on how children learn to read and the best ways to teach reading from kindergarten to the end of the primary grades.


Sundays - February 2nd, 9th, 16th & 23rd.

Instructor(s): Patricia Ortega

Project ELITE (Expanding Literacy Instruction by Tutoring ELLs) – This course focuses on literacy training for educators providing individualized instruction to English language learners who need additional literacy supports. The focus is on reading comprehension and oral language development to help ELLs participate on equal terms in the classroom as they confront the dual challenge of mastering grade level content while continuing to learn English. ELITE (Expanding Literacy Instruction by Tutoring ELLs) is based on the highly effective literacy intervention research by Diane August and reported by the U.S. Department of Education’s Institute for Educational Sciences and the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine.


Page Last Updated: Jan 30, 2025 (09:55:28)

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